
… this blog

Sparked by a question of a Dutch high school on how to stimulate the scientific talent of their pupils, this blog aims to gather data and tips that can help people in many fields (but especially in science/research) become better at what they do, and enjoy it too!

There are of course lots of websites that aim to help people with becoming better at certain activities, why did I create another one? Next to being reasons of it being fun to do, trying to reach out to others who I would not easily meet near where I live, and writing about something helping me to digest information better, I think that the information about scientific talent development does not have the impact it could have on the lives of people, scientists, inventors, and those profiting from science, medicine and invention (that means about everyone).

For a part this is because schools and universities mostly focus on subject matter, teaching chemical reactions, mathematical formulas, and so on, and neglect ‘higher-level’ knowledge like how to find a good PhD supervisor,


… me